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Beginning Teacher Questionnaire
In order to build a mentoring program for beginning teachers that will meet all of YOUR needs + exceed your expectations, I want to hear from directly YOU.
What you would want to see in a program to support you on your teaching journey.
​This questionnaire, along with your honesty, has enabled me to continue to grow the mentorship program and meet the needs of all those who join. I am extremely proud to say it has a 99% satisfaction rate...
I have some thank you gifts for your honesty and time on completing the questionnaire, which you will receive via email OR taken directly to the gifts once you hit the submit button at the end.
work smarter, not harder
Links to statistics + further reading about teacher burnout, mentoring can be found here:
Thank you for taking time out of your day to fill in the questionnaire and help show me where the gaps are for beginning teachers.
I have some thank you teaching gifts coming your way worth over $180, so check your emails shortly! If they don't turn up, please contact me asap!
Beginning Teachers are some of the most enthusiastic + passionate individuals who are being let down by the lack of training and support!!
Helping them reduce stress & providing the teaching tools / training / documents / so they can finally feel confident is the most rewarding work I have ever been apart of!
This survey will ensure I include mentoring + training to help YOU specifically where you need.
This is my promise to all my mentees. If you tell me where you need support, I will build it + add it to the program!
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