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Teaching Questionnaire


Teachers have big hearts by nature + an instinct to help people.

Despite battling exhaustion + not having access to the right support, they continue down this path for their students due to their natural desire to help people.

This is not a sustainable pathway for anyone! 

Teachers should not have to suffer burnout due to having a kind heart.


"Professors Ewing and Riley cite a lack of mentoring from more experienced teachers as one of the biggest problems affecting graduates. " [2]

Ewing & Riley 

Interesting facts from the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics [2] [3]

  • between 40-50% of teachers leave the industry before their 5th year;

  • 53% of people who hold a teaching degree do not currently work in education;

  • 20% of pre-service teachers do not graduate (leaving before they finish the degree);

  • between 40-50% of teachers leave the industry before their 5th year; 


Too many BEGINNING TEACHERS are left to sink or swim... and 1 in 2 are finding the stress of this unbearable and leaving, despite their hard work, sacrifice, investment + effort to get this far... because they are burnt out.




"A well-mentored new teacher is three times more likely to stay in the game. But more experienced teachers often aren't willing to take on these additional mentoring roles; their workload is

already beyond capacity."

Professor Ewing, University of Sydney.



Investing time, money + yourself into strategies that assist you to reach your goals, potential or dreams are life changing. You not only reduce the time to reach your goals, you enjoy the journey, you feel good as you have someone who has gone down the road you are on which helps you avoid the unforeseen + fast track your learning. 


My mentor shared this with me before I decided join her program... 

"How you see the word "investment" will impact how you (a) spend your time, (b) make decisions, (c) spend your money, (c) the depth of your relationships, (c) your value of self.... almost all areas of your life."


Having a 'resourceful' perspective of the word "investment" was the first thing she taught me.

Investment to me, is something that shows me how to take my existing resources (time, money, skills, knowledge, my brain, relationships...) and learn / access more effective strategies from someone who has achieved what I want to achieve. so that I am closer to the results / goals /dreams that I want to attain. I also view it as a decision making strategy... where if I invest "abc...." the benefits I receive over time, will be always be more."


Investment is now a word that I LOVE discussing with students whom I teach / meet and we have the most rigorous diverse conversations, and I have my mentor to thank for that.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to fill in the questionnaire and help show me where the gaps are for beginning teachers.

I have some thank you teaching gifts coming your way worth over $180, so check your emails shortly! If they don't turn up, please contact me asap!

Beginning Teachers are some of the most enthusiastic + passionate individuals who are being let down by the lack of training and support!!

Helping them reduce stress & providing the teaching tools / training / documents / so they can finally feel confident is the most rewarding work I have ever been apart of!

This survey will ensure I include mentoring + training to help YOU specifically where you need.

This is my promise to all my mentees. If you tell me where you need support, I will build it + add it to the program!


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