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Teaching Questionnaire
Teachers have big hearts by nature + an instinct to help people.
Despite battling exhaustion + not having access to the right support, they continue down this path for their students due to their natural desire to help people.
This is not a sustainable pathway for anyone!
Teachers should not have to suffer burnout due to having a kind heart.
Links to statistics + further reading about teacher burnout, mentoring can be found here:
Thank you for taking time out of your day to fill in the questionnaire and help show me where the gaps are for beginning teachers.
I have some thank you teaching gifts coming your way worth over $180, so check your emails shortly! If they don't turn up, please contact me asap!
Beginning Teachers are some of the most enthusiastic + passionate individuals who are being let down by the lack of training and support!!
Helping them reduce stress & providing the teaching tools / training / documents / so they can finally feel confident is the most rewarding work I have ever been apart of!
This survey will ensure I include mentoring + training to help YOU specifically where you need.
This is my promise to all my mentees. If you tell me where you need support, I will build it + add it to the program!
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